
Jan. ​7th (Saturday), 9:00 AM PST (Las Vegas Time) 

 Dr. Leonardo Chiariglione

Chair and founder of MPAI community 
(well known to have founded MPEG committee since 1988)

For an Orderly Development of the Metaverse


Chair and founder of MPAI community (well know to have founded MPEG committee since 1988) Leonardo Chiariglione obtained his MS degree from the Polytechnic of Turin and his Ph. D. degree from the University of Tokyo.He has been at the forefront of a range of initiatives that have helped shape media technology and business as we know them today. Among these is the Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG) standards committee which he founded and chaired for 32 years is now closed. In June 2020 he left ISO and the group he founded no longer exists.In September 2020 he lanched MPAI - Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence, a non-profit organisation developing AI-enabled data coding standards while bridging the gap between standards and their practical use. In a little more than a year, MPAI has published 5 standards on AI app execution environment, AI-enhanced audio, human-machine conversation, and prediction of company performance. It also has more AI-driven standards projects in other techical areas such as neural network watermarking and avatar representation and animation. Dr Chiariglione is the recipient of several awards: among these the IBC John Tucker Award, the Eduard-Rhein Foundation Award, the IEEE Masaru Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award, and the Kilby Foundation Award. Since January 2004 he is the CEO of, a company providing advanced media technologies, solutions, and services and advising major multinationals on digital media matters.
Additional details at


Some forms of metaverse are already with us and impressive R&D investments promise to deliver the technologies needed to make the Metaverse idea real. This is probably the most ambitious cross-industry project ever and results that satisfy all parties - industry and consumers - are not guaranteed. MPAI, the Moving Picture, Audio, and Artificial Intelligence standards developing organisation, is designing a path that is based on the experience gathered in MPEG, the most cross-industry standards group in the Information and Communication Technology domain.