Call for Industry Forums

The Industry Program Committee is calling for proposal participation in the Industry Forums that will be held at the 41st IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2023) on January 6-8, 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. The ICCE 2023 Industry Forums will be focused on the topics below. Submission Proposals are sought for Industry Forums on the latest technical and business issues in consumer technology and consumer electronics industry.Proposals could be presentations, tutorials, demos, success stories, or panel group discussions. Proposals should fall into the topics listed below or additional topics to be designated by the submission.

Important Dates:
Proposal Submission:  Oct. 15, 2022
Proposal Acceptance: Oct. 31, 2022
Presentation Ready: Nov. 15, 2022
Industry Forum dates: Jan. 6-8, 2023

Submit proposals to: 
Industry Program Chair: Glenn Parsons (Canada)
Co-Chairs: Michael Isnardi (USA), Christian Gross (EMEA), Akihiko Ken Sugiyama (Japan)

Industry Forums – Main Topics Sub-Topics
Application-Specific CE for Smart Cities (SMC) 
Next Disruptive CE Products or CT Services
Audio/Video Systems and Signal Processing (AVS) 
NextGen in High End Audio
Automotive CE Applications (CEA) 
Onboard Entertainment Systems and Self Driving Cars
Consumer Power and Energy (CPE) Next Generation Power Solutions for Portable Products
Consumer Systems for Healthcare and Wellbeing (CSH) Moving Health Care Diagnostics from Clinic to Home
Entertainment and Gaming (ENT) Next Generation Enhancements to Voice Assistants
Human-Machine Interaction and User Experience (HMI) Reducing Human Interface in Complex Products/Services
IOT, Internet of Everywhere and Edge Computing (IOT) IOT Special Security Concerns
Machine learning, Deep learning and AI in CE (MDA) Breakthrough Applications to Overcome Handicaps
Quantum in Consumer Technology (QCT) Quantum Dot Sensor, Quantum Dot TV
Security & Privacy of CE Hardware & Software Systems (SPC) Digital Privacy/Content Moderation Social Media
Sensors and Actuators (SEA) Design for Malware Resistance with New Architectures
Smartphone and Mobile Device Technologies (MDT) Applications for Automated Content Analysis/Navigation
Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Displays (VAR) Metaverse and Consumer Experience
Wireless and Network Technologies (WNT) 5G Beyond Traditional Wide Area Services